Suppressor Use & Care for ANECHOIC™

Proper Assembly and Installation for AnechoX Centerfire Suppressors

  1. Torque Front Cap to 15 ft-lbs (25 ft-lbs for magnum rifles) and Rear Direct Thread Adapter to 30 ft-lbs (40 ft-lbs for magnum rifles). The front cap is a left-handed thread (reverse threads), so turn it ‘backwards’ or ‘lefty tighty.’ 
  2. Align the assembled suppressor straight with the barrel and screw it on. Tighten it with a strong hand or at least 15 ft-lbs (25 ft-lbs for magnum rifles).
  3. Shoot one round and re-torque all three joints. Shoot 5-10 rounds and re-torque again for all firearms. Re-torque again from time to time, especially if you notice any loosening.

WARNING: Loose or misaligned suppressors can cause a ‘baffle strike’, where the bullet hits the inside of the suppressor. This will ruin your suppressor and could cause injury or even death. Make sure to use the appropriate torque values as listed above.

Suppressors get extremely hot when fired, especially rapid-fire, and can cuase severe burns! When handling a hot suppressor, use leather or Kevlar gloves. Allow a few minutes to cool.


You can use all the same ammo with a suppressor as without. ANECHOIC™ suppressors are rated for the fastest, most powerful magnums on the planet!

But, if your goal is to keep your shooting as quiet as possible, consider subsonic ammo. Higher speeds come with higher uncorking pressure and louder noise.  So, keep it slow, and low if you don’t want noise.

Maintenance and Inspection

  1. Make sure the firearm is unloaded and safe before beginning.
  2. Use the wrench to unscrew the suppressor from the firearm.
  3. Disassemble the suppressor on a clean, flat, dust-free workbench. Remember that the front cap on all but the AnechoX 22 is a left-handed thread, so you need to turn it ‘backwards’ or ‘lefty tighty’ and ‘righty loosey.’
  4. Remove all parts from the front by unscrewing the front cap.
  5. Use brushes and cleaners or an ultrasonic cleaner to clean all internal parts thoroughly. (The most important area to clean is the central hole where the bullet passes through.)
  6. Always ensure that all threads are clean, especially when reassembling. Only disassemble the suppressor in a clean and dust-free place.
  7. When reassembling, ensure all parts are in the proper order and pointed in the proper direction. The spiral blast chamber sleeve is closest to the shooter, with the internal ‘lip’ away from the shooter. The heavy stainless blast baffle with the long belly button goes in with the ‘belly button’ toward the shooter. Next, all the lightweight Titanium baffles go in, with their ‘belly buttons’ pointed toward the shooter. The front cap compresses the internal stack into place and holds everything very tightly. So, if there is any looseness or rattling, you’ve missed a part! Remember, on all but the AnechoX 22, the FRONT CAP IS A LEFT-HANDED THREAD, SO TURN ‘BACKWARDS’ – LEFTY TIGHTY, RIGHTY LOOSEY!!!
  8. Lastly, torque the Front Cap and rear Direct Thread Adapter to the values listed above.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Read the owner’s manual first. The process is not complicated, but there are a few little tricks. Generally, suppressors don’t need to be disassembled for cleaning if you use more energetic calibers like .223 Rem and above. But if you feel like cleaning it every few thousand rounds, go ahead. If you’re using lower-powered rounds like 9mm or 45ACP handguns, especially rimfire, you should clean the suppressor every thousand rounds.

Shooting and Pro Tips

Here are some essential things to keep in mind when using your ANECHOIC™ suppressor:


  1. Make sure your suppressor is screwed on tightly. The most common ‘death’ of suppressors is a baffle strike, usually because something wasn’t tight or came loose. It is necessary to tighten all three joints before the first shot, retighten them after the first shot, then after 5-10 shots, and periodically through your first trip to the range. The three joints that must be tightened include the front cap, mount/adapter, and mount to the firearm. This is particularly important for more powerful firearms and magnums.
  2. Don’t use a suppressor on a firearm of a larger caliber. It should be pretty obvious, but bullets of 35-caliber won’t fit through 30-caliber holes, and so on.
  3. Don’t use a suppressor on a firearm with questionable muzzle threads. Cheap, old, or foreign firearms may have threads that are aligned well enough for a flash hider but aren’t aligned with the bore well enough to trust with your suppressor. If you’re not sure, have your gunsmith check the alignment before you take the first shot. The FIRST shot.
  4. Clean your muzzle threads and suppressor threads before attaching your suppressor to your firearm. This usually requires wiping off all dust and fibers with a cloth.
  5. Never shoot a damaged suppressor or one that you suspect may have had a baffle strike – even one shot. Stop immediately, unload the firearm and make sure it’s safe, remove the suppressor from the firearm, and thoroughly inspect it including torquing all joints.
  6. Don’t lend your suppressor to anyone who’s not the owner. That’s illegal and is a federal felony.
  7. While not required, it is recommended that when you are traveling with your suppressor, you keep a copy of your ATF tax stamp in your firearm case or on your person.
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